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'Tuscan Sun' False Sunflower | Heliopsis helianthoides

Regular price $24.99 USD
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This beautiful and carefree native cultivar offers a more compact habit and good disease resistance compared to other varieties of Heliopsis. 

Bright golden yellow, daisy-like flowers with an orange-gold button center are produced on strong stems from mid through late summer atop the deep green foliage.  It provides a brilliant beacon of color in the landscape during the hottest months of summer.  Be sure to plant a few extra for your fresh bouquets! 

Heliopsis have traditionally been an excellent tall perennial for the middle or back of the flower border. It has a bushy, well-branched form and glossy, deep green, triangular leaves – a real workhorse in the garden! Use this plant in combination containers, as a cut flower, or to attract butterflies to your garden.

Height: 24.0-36.0 Inches

Spread: 20.0-24.0 Inches

Zone: 3-9


Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)

Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)

Blooms: Mid-Late Summer