Plant Questions

What zone am I?

Likely Zone 3 - 5

What is B&B?

B&B refers to balled and burlapped with a root ball, and are field-grown and dug.


Do you offer plant installation and landscape services?

Yes, we install plants and trees for a fee per plant or tree. Please call us at 518-642-3676 or email hello@mandysspring.com for a custom installation quote. View a comprehensive overview of our landscape design/build services here.

How are your products sold?

For our spring pre-orders, we sell bare root products that are landscape-size plants. These are ready to bear fruit and perform the first year that you plant them. The bare root plants can also be purchased as older, mature plants in container or field-dug sizes. Our mature, field-dug plants will have their root ball balled & burlapped. We also do carry a variety of perennials, trees, shrubs, and annuals in containers for easy transport.

How mature are the bare root trees/how soon can I expect them to bear fruit?

The bare root fruit trees are roughly 3 years old. They are roughly 5-6' tall and branched.

They will bear fruit on the first year, but it is best to pick off these fruits before they develop for the first 2 years or so. This focuses the tree's energy on strengthening its branches and root system so that it can bear fruit on healthy branches in the future. .

It is also critical to prune your fruit tree as it grows. A few strong branches are better than a lot of weak branches for fruit-bearing trees. Our pruning guide can be found here. In the first year, do not over-prune, as this will stress out the tree as it is getting established. Focus on simply removing the flowers during the first year in your garden. Never remove more than 1/3 of the tree or shrub when pruning.

When is the best time to plant?

In our zone, it is best to plant May through November.

Can I plant in the summer?

If you have a good water source or moist soil to plant into, you can plant in the summer.

Is fall a good time to plant?

Yes, fall is a great time to plant because the roots continue to grow through the winter until the ground freezes.

When do plants go dormant?

They start going dormant after the first frost.

When can I plant my annuals outdoors?

Normally, it's safe around Memorial Day (or when it's 50 degrees outside at night) it is generally safe to plant annuals outside.

How often should I water?

Depending on your soil types, you should water every couple of days while your plants are getting established. The soil must remain moist. You should check your plants daily. Soaking the ground around the plant is best -- never apply water to the foliage.

When is the best time to prune?

Clean the old flowers off in the fall, and prune in the early spring while the plants are still dormant. Or, if it's a lilac, you can prune in the spring after they bloom.

Read our pruning guide here.

Download Cornell University Extension's Pruning Fact Sheet here.

When is the best time to fertilize?

The best time to fertilize is first thing in the spring, and six weeks later to continue the plant growth. 

Do you sell fruit-bearing plants?

Yes! We have a great selection of hardy fruit trees and fruit bushes. Also check out our annual Bare Root Spring Pre-Order sale to get the best deals of the year on fruiting plants. Join our email list to be the first to know about the sale.

Don't forget our feathered friends--we also carry a great selection of berries for the birds, including viburnums, winterberry, chokeberries, and crabapples.

What privacy/screening trees do you sell?

Yes, we sell various evergreen screening trees including spruce, hemlock, cedar/ arborvitae, white pine. Clumping deciduous trees like river birch, or weeping trees like Ruby Tears Crabapple and Weeping Willows can be good screening options. Multi-branched shrubs like lilacs and viburnums can also make good screening hedges.

What are some deer resistant plants?

Yes! While there are no guarantees, you can find plants that are unpalatable to deer here:

Deer-resistant shrubs

Deer-resistant trees

Deer-resistant perennials

We also carry a number of organic and pet-safe deer repellents, view them here.

What is the best tree/shrub to plant for wet areas and clay soils?

View our top picks for trees & shrubs that can tolerate wet locations here, and view our top picks for trees & shrubs that can tolerate clay soils here.

What are your top picks for shade trees?

You can view a list of our top picks for shade and flowering trees here. Note that not all of these are available through the bare root pre-order sale.

What are some drought-tolerant fruit trees?

There really aren't any fruit trees that are drought-tolerant. Of all fruiting trees and shrubs we carry, Serviceberry (Amelanchier) is most adaptable to dry conditions.

We recommend watering your fruit trees/shrubs at during the dry July/August months when they are growing fruit. A soaker hose is a great option for watering trees.

Do you carry self-pollinating fruit trees?

We do carry a handful of self-pollinating fruit trees, but any self-fertile plant will produce more fruit if it has the ability to cross-pollinate with another plant. The product descriptions online are detailed and will specify if a tree is self-pollinating or not.

Do you sell indoor plants?

Yes, we sell indoor plants as well as outdoor plants. We are open year-round, and the Florist at Mandy's Spring can also pot up houseplants or create a dish garden as a gift. 

Why are my leaves curling?

You need to seek professional assistance -- it could be too much or too little water, a virus, inspect damage, or another cause.

Check out the University of Minnesota's What's Wrong With My Plant tool to get started.

Why are my leaves yellow?

Yellow leaves can be caused by root shock, too much water, or not enough nutrition.

Check out the University of Minnesota's What's Wrong With My Plant tool to get started.

Are the plants I buy from Mandy's Spring Nursery covered under warranty?

We do offer a 1 year limited warranty on most of the plants we sell. Read the full plant guarantee policy here. 

Annual Bare Root Sale FAQs

Why should I buy bare root plants?

Bare root plants are trees, shrubs, or perennials sold without soil around their roots. They are dug up while dormant, with roots cleaned and stored in moisture-controlled conditions. Lightweight and easy to transport, they quickly establish strong, deep roots when planted, making them more resilient to drought, heat, and harsh winters.

How mature are the bare root trees/how soon can I expect them to bear fruit?

Our bare root fruit trees are about three years old, standing 5-6 feet tall with branches. While they may produce fruit in the first year, we recommend removing it for the first two years to help the tree focus on building strong roots and branches for future harvests.

Pruning is essential for healthy fruit production. A few strong branches will support more fruit than many weak ones. In the first year, avoid heavy pruning—just remove flowers to reduce stress on the tree. As a rule, never prune more than 1/3 of the tree at a time.

For detailed pruning tips, check out our pruning guide here.

When do the bare root trees and shrubs arrive?

In mid-May. We will notify you when the plants arrive. 

Can I order installation with my bare root purchase?

We do offer installation services. Simply select "delivery" at checkout, and then notify us via email (hello@mandysspring.com) or by calling us at 518-642-3676 to get a custom installation quote. Our delivery rates are base rates for one vehicle, prices may vary due to the size of the order and scope of work.

How should I plant my bare-root plants?

Bare roots need to be kept moist at all times in transit and before and after planting. This is crucial, as the sensitive roots are exposed. Please bring a damp towel or plenty of mulch if they are travelling in an open vehicle/trailer.
All Bare root plants need their soil amended with compost, fertilizer and root stimulant (optional, but it helps). 

How big are the bare root plants?

-The Shade and flowering trees are landscape size, roughly 6-8’tall, with the equivalent to a 15 gallon root system that is about 36 inches or more wide. The planting hole should be at least 42 inches wide and 14 inches deep, and amended with compost and fertilizer.
-Flowering shrubs are landscape grade, the equivalent of 5 gallon container plants with an average 24 inch root system. The planting hole should be at least 24 inches wide and 14 inches deep, and amended with compost and fertilizer. We recommend single staking trees
-Perennial plugs are dormant for one year after planting. They are 4 inch plugs and will need a 10 inch wide by 6 inch deep planting hole.
-Fruit berry bushes vary in size for planting directions (please read the label). An average of 10 inch wide by 6 inch deep hole for planting is best.
-Fruit trees are 5-6’tall and their branches will flower and set fruit this year but we advise you pick them off until they are established enough to support large fruits on their branches, which will take about 2-3 years.  Their roots are about 24 inches wide. The planting hole should be at least 42 inches wide by 14 inches deep. We recommend single staking trees. 

Are the plants I buy from Mandy's Spring Nursery covered under warranty?

We do offer a 1 year limited warranty on most of the plants we sell. Read the full plant guarantee policy here. 


Do you sell gift cards?

Yes, we do. We sell gift cards in store, or you can order an electronic gift card online here.

Please be aware that you need to have your physical gift card or electronic voucher with you in order to make a purchase.

What should I bring for a landscape consultation?

We offer free basic landscape design consultations with a purchase of plant material. Please complete our Planscape Worksheet prior to your consultation. The more information we have the better--take measurements of your space, observe the exposure, note shaded areas, and bring in pictures. 

How can I schedule services with your landscape design/build team?

We offer a full landscape design and build division. We can tackle just about any project in any budget. To get in touch about a landscape design/build project, please email hello@mandysspring.com or call 518-642-3676.

Learn more about our landscape design/build services and see our portfolio here.

Ordering & Delivery

Where is my order confirmation?

This is automatically sent to your email address when you place an order. Please check your junk and spam email boxes. If you haven’t received your order confirmation within 24 hours, please get in touch at hello@mandysspring.com or at 518-642-3676 just in case there’s a problem with your order. 

How do I cancel my order?

There is only a short amount of time between when you place your order and when we start processing it. If you contact us straight away after ordering, via hello@mandysspring.com, we may be able to cancel your order before it’s processed. 

Can I alter my order?

Sadly, we’re unable to modify your order once we’ve started processing it. If you need to order a greater quantity or an additional product, please place a new order online or by calling 518-642-3676.

Where can you deliver to and what are the delivery charges?

We deliver within a 30 mile radius of our nursery in Granville, NY. Delivery fees vary by zone, you can view a detailed breakdown here.

Additional fees apply for installation, and if your order requires the use of multiple vehicles.

If you choose to have your plants delivered, we will get in touch with you to schedule delivery. You can also contact us with any questions at 518-642-3676 or at hello@mandysspring.com.

Plant Warranty & Refund Policies

Can I receive a refund or store credit if my plant did not thrive as expected?

All plants sold will be in top quality at time of sale unless otherwise stated. Failure to follow Mandy’s Spring plant instructions may affect your warranty. You can learn more about our Plant Guarantee Policy here