Partner with our professionals for expert DIY results!
Choose a pre-designed package or complete a Planscape Worksheet for a completely custom Landscape Design.
Start designing>> or choose one of our customizable pre-set packages below:

Plant for Perfume
Year-Round Fragrance Package
This package includes a varied selection of fragrant flowering plants to grace your border or garden for all-season blooms.
Plant for Perfume packages start at $169

Shade Your Space
Large Shade Tree Package
Package includes delivery of three full-sized shade or ornamental trees. Package includes design, layout design, and consultation. Delivery within 25 miles of Mandy Spring Farm Nursery.
Shade Your Space packages start at $549

Claim Your Space
Privacy Screening Package
Includes three 6-8' evergreen hedge plants, one ornamental tree, and three flowering screening plants.
Claim Your Space packages start at $495

Rock Your Entrance
Entrance Planting Package with Stone
Create your own distinctive front walkway or entrance. Our designer will start with a base package of perfectly suited plants and customize it just for you. Includes stone elements for a classic look!
Rock Your Entrance packages start at $349